Monday, December 10, 2012

Beer Drinkers Fear No Fiscal Cliff

Lots of talk these days about the fiscal cliff. Unless swift action is taken (swift being a relative term when dealing with Congress), the US financial world will come to an end on December 31. That is what people want you to think. If you are a Mayan, this may not be an issue as the world will end a cool 10 days before we all fall off the fiscal cliff.

Will all the concern for the near term future of the financial world, one would think that the more economical beers that were mainstays of my lower income youth would be increasing in popularity. Not so fast my friend shouts Lee Corso. Based on recent beer sales numbers, the cheap and watery suds that I would put back readily are among the worst performing beers in America.

Here is an article showing 9 beers that Americans no longer drink. Beers we are not drinking

Say it ain't so, Milwaukee's Best. I guess the cowboys on the 80's commercial were not correct when they said it doesn't get any better than this.

I guess financial times are not as tough as popular media would want you to believe. Or America has more Mayans than I would have ever imagined; partying like it is 2012.

As we prepare to fall off the fiscal cliff, bring along some of "the Beast" to brace your fall.


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