Sunday, August 26, 2012

Waiting for the Fall - Samuel Adams Octoberfest

So it is the 2nd half of summer in south Louisiana, with the same high temps that make the fall seem like several months away, instead of less than 2 the calendar shows. Somewhat to my surprise, I found  Sam Adams Octoberfest seasonal beer at my local World Market store.

The Boston Beer Company as they are formally known is quite possibly the best example of brewers having a passion for craft beer and turning it into a large enterprise. They now brew dozens of different beers and are the most recognizable name in American craft brewing. With all that said, I have probably only tried a handful of their beers, including of course the Boston Lager, Summer Ale, Black Lager and the Noble Pils. This was my first try on the Octoberfest seasonal.

Appearance: Beer poured a clear copper color with a thin off-white head that lacked retention. As pictured above, lots of carbonation was noted. This helped provide some nice lacing on the glass while consuming.

Smell: Beer had a somewhat floral aroma. Some yeasty breadiness was also present on the nose.

Taste/Mouthfeel: Initially some roasted malt flavor, but much milder than darker beers. No bitterness was present and had some subtle citrus flavor. Beer had a light to medium mouthfeel. A slickness was there also on the mouthfeel. This combined with the lack of bitterness gave this beer a high level of drinkability.

Overall: This beer had a very mild, but complex flavor. High drinkability and well balanced. I thoroughly enjoyed this beer. I will certainly be picking up more of these babies in the fall.

I have only spent a limited time in the Boston area, two weeks in the winter of 2000 working on a client there. Back then, I really did not have the beer interest that I have now. Bud Light was the epitome of my beer universe then. There is quite a craft beer scene there these days, and since Margaret has never been, it is on our list of places to visit. It is nice to see that the original craft brewery in America is still putting out good beer.

On a different note, Man United picked up their first three points of the new season with a 3-2 victory over Fulham. Glory, Glory Man United!


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