Thursday, July 26, 2012

A little town called Shiner Pt. 2

Now that I have introduced the Spoetzel brewery and taken a taste of their signature beer, the Shiner Bock, it is now time to move on to the other 5 beers in the Family Reunion pack. Next up are my two favorites of the bunch, based on past experience, the Bohemian Black Lager and the Kosmos Reserve Lager.

First for the Black Lager.

Appearance: Beer pours a black cola color, with some dark brown tint when held up to the light. Very little tan head quickly disappears. There is some good carbonation, but it is sneaky. It did not appear to have much at the start, but I noticed more part of the way through. There is some good lacing present.

Smell: Took a little while for me to distinguish the aroma. When it warmed up a little, a burnt coffee smell was noticeable.

Taste/Mouthfeel: Carbonation gave the beer a bubbly, yet full mouthfeel. Taste is of roasted malt and some chocolate and burnt coffee. I also noted some smokiness. The beer finished with some lingering bitterness, however not overwhelming.

Overall: Prior to starting to review the 6 different beers of the Family Reunion pack, this was my favorite one. I am glad to see that I still feel that way. This beer has some of the things I like about dark beers, with the burnt coffee notes and malt flavor, without the heaviness of other dark beers.

Now for the Kosmos Reserve lager. I originally had this one as part of the family reunion pack a couple of years ago. It is named after the founder of the brewery, Kosmos Spoetzel. I was very disappointed to find that it only came in the family reunion pack. Pop confirmed that is still the case when he did the brewery tour earlier this month.

Appearance: Beer has a clear golden almost orange color when poured. It was highly carbonated, but no head to speak of. It did produce some average lacing.

Smell: At the start, noted a floral scent with some yeast and bready notes. As it warmed up, the fruity aroma of the hops became more present.

Taste/Mouthfeel: This one was like two different beers from start to finish. Initially noted the bubbly light mouthfeel with a crisp taste, but no real discernible characteristics. I did note some slight bitterness and dryness, but they were not long lasting. However as it warmed up, the fruity sweetness from the hops became more apparent.

Overall: As I thought I might, I enjoyed this beer. It is billed as a Pale American Lager, but due to the hop content, it is more complex than a typical lager. It was also probably the best example of a beer that's flavors changed throughout drinking that I have come across so far. It was very drinkable and suitable for the hot summer days going on now.

So far, so good. Of the three Shiner beers I have tried, I would recommend two of them. Three more to go to complete the journey.


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